Çağlar Glass Balcony

I developed a custom website using PHP and MySQL for Osmaniye-based "Çağlar Glass Balcony" company. I designed a platform where users can quickly get information and communicate. Visit my portfolio for details and examples. #WebDevelopment #PHP #MySQL #WebDesign



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Proje Duration:

1 month

I developed a custom website for "Çağlar Cam Balkon" company based in Osmaniye. In this project, using PHP and MySQL technologies, I created an interactive platform that allows users to review glass balcony services, get information and get in touch. I took great care at every stage of the website, from its design to database management and security measures. I also optimized important performance factors such as mobile compatibility and fast loading times. For more details about this project and code samples, visit my portfolio. The success of the "Caglar Glass Balcony" project is a great source of pride for me.

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